Saturday, 18 June 2011

Vanilla Ice Cream

Hey everyone.

This post is gonna be about my outfit I wore on a date a few nights ago. It wasn't so much a date, more like drinks with a boy. *in denial*

I wore a cute cream and gold lace dress, cream Christian Louboutin "Banana 140" peep toe pumps, a gold clutch bag, a gold and diamond heart necklace and cream flower earrings. I wore my usual makeup but added bronzer, extra highlighter, more mascara and liquid liner. I would have worn false lashes but I had none since I rarely wear them anymore. I kept my hair simple, with a little quiff and tiny little braids at the side, and pulled it into a low, curled ponytail.

All in all I had a great night and he seemed very impressed.  So, mission complete!

I wish I had done cream nails with red tips and a glittery topcoat, but I didn't think that far ahead and had just painted them blue the same day.

What do you think?

♥ Ellery 


  1. Absolutely gorgeous Elly. You would be a fantastic date!

  2. Love those heels. Love how you did yr face and hair. The quiff and bronzer suited yr face


  3. I think you look stunning

  4. Wow! A great look, ready for an expensive night out in LA, New York (probably London too). Maybe even a red carpet for a Hollywood premier. A shame a small town doesn't do it justice. The shoes have the high fashion provenance. Who is the dress from?

  5. Hi Ellery,

    I was just curious did your date know you have a cock? It wouldn't bother me but it would be strange to find out too late, like in bed?

  6. Sweet Miss Ellery,

    you look like the most beautiful princess and I would be honored to have a date with you <3

  7. OMG you are my dreamgirl. You never fail to take my breath away.

  8. as always Stunning I would love to see more full body shots with you modeling some of your out fits. You have a beautiful body, you should show it.

  9. would love to cum on those heels!

  10. you're hot, gorgeous and sexy, loved how you looked for your date-lucky guy xxxx Jim

  11. what do you mean by *in denial*?
    i would consider you a "girl" <3

  12. Alright alright back off you lot.. I want Ellery the most!! xxx Q

  13. Dear God, he's the luckiest.

  14. just the most beautiful thing~

  15. Any man would be bursting with pride at having you on his arm. Or at least, any man who wouldn't is a fool. You're exquisite.

  16. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  17. If you need guys on the internet to reassure you that you look like a pretty girl. Then yes you look pretty.

  18. Lovely to see a transgender girl who likes to look act and be feminine, and a bit girly as well. I mean I feel myself whats the point in us girls being transgender if we cant be pretty and feminine, or at least try to be. Ellery you are one of the most lovely girls out there, you inspire "we" girls, and you do set the bar high for us, we can only try to match you. Lily

  19. Brooke Tomkinson Varley30 September 2012 at 20:47

    I just love it .. and am so jealous.
    Love to exchange tips on TVchix ... Brooke27
    Hugs xx

  20. like the shoes honey

  21. Mmm Mmm looks great, it might look better on the floor though;)

  22. Ellery you deserve a devoted man that loves everything about you just the way you are. I wish you love and happiness. Bless you.

  23. You look delicious!

  24. I love your spontaneity. You breathe femininity from every pore. You did the right thing when he decided to take to the world, because you're beautiful, a perfect woman. Not going to stay try to act like a man in a woman's body. Some people do not understand that. I sent an invitation to the Tweeter. Accepts me, please!

  25. Ugly in the inside and ugly outside too ur a freak Stranraer scum
